It has been far too long since I've sat here to write...an ugly shame...
But here I sit regardless. There have been a lot of things to write about, and a lot of things have passed, but I really felt inspired to sit down and tell about my poetry.
Yeah, yeah, poems aren't only for those old philosopher dudes or hermit type people. If you know me, (I really should hope that if you're here, you know me...) then you know that though I am not a hermit, I do like poems.
So...I'm not going to write about like...technique or rhymes and stuff...I figured I could just post some of my poems, and let you judge for yourself. Quick warning though: because I write totally on instinct, some of my poems have...weird rhythms...so! Without further ado...(Ado? What kind of word is ado anyway?)...have fun reading!
Mourn Me Not (For when I'm dead...)
Friends, friends! You read my writing,
Though I am not here,
But as of my death, I entreat, have no fear!
I lived a life of greatness and glory,
And long and happy is my story,
Knowing thus, you weep for she,
The one who died, I speak of me,
But however you cry and however distraught,
I live with God, so mourn me not.
Colors (For the color blind...)
Burning hot crimson reds,
Beautiful blues on newly weds,
Deep green,
Silver sheen,
Bright radiant yellow,
Pinks and purple mellow,
Colors explode in our daily lives,
In books, to food, to sharp kitchen knives.
Fire (For Dustfinger, a character from the book 'Inkheart'...)
Fire, fire,
Destruction and pain,
Flames, flames,
But the hearth shows no shame,
Smoke, smoke
Warm tongues of char,
Hot, hot,
Moves rapidly far,
Heat, heat,
Is not for messing,
Fire, fire,
A curse or blessing?
Snowy Days (For the poor people who are victims of frostbite and snowballtothefaceitis...)
I wandered in the snow so cold,
And hands in warm coat, I did fold.
The air was fresh, the birds did tweet,
The ground covered in white snow so sweet.
I paused to look down at my toes.
Didn't see the projectile from my foes.
And lo!
A snowball flew and caught my nose.
Backwards (For Alice of Wonderland...)
A blind man that sees
A deaf man that hears
Trees that are leaves
One day in ten years
Gray colored paints
Rainbow hued clouds
Sinful black saints
And cats that are hounds
Christmas Colors (For...people who agree with me. ;))
Why does Christmas go with red and green?
(To me, the red and green seem obscene!)
The bright colors against the grey contrast,
It's like trying to make up for what is past!
But then again...
With boring old brown, grey and white,
Christmas would make us feel quite contrite.
It would be a terrible plight,
So in the end, I love the sight,
Of lights so red and green by night!
Computers (NOT for those in the Geek Squad...)
Thinking boxes.
Hmph! Try toxic!
For long hours, we all sit
And stare at the bright screen lit
With colors. Oh, hooray?!
We look like cows,
Chewing hay!
Staring all day
At a screen so grey
It makes me say
With a little rage,
"Don't spend your time
Stuck and confined
To a dull box
Or your head will assuredly be...
Full of rocks!!!"
The Restriction Above (For those who have claustrophobia...)
The restriction above
Is as white, as a dove.
It stops us from seeing
The strong starry beings.
Some bumpy, some level,
Under some, men revel.
It cast off sky's gifts.
Above the earth, it lifts.
Ask to know,
What it is,
!And poof!
It's a ceiling or a roof.
A Haiku (For...a school assignment...)
Only bones survive,
Yet mankind is still frightened.
Is it my bad breath?
--Tyrannosaurus Rex--
Another Haiku (Yeah, we had to write three Haikus...two as riddles, and one just as a Haiku...)
Pandora's last child.
Used. Remaining forever.
More and more lose me.
And Yet Another (This one is based off of a devotional by A.W. Tozer.)
Stopping our prayers
To go somewhere else. Don't. Wait.
Time with our Father.
The Seasons (And to finish with a bang! My favorite poem of all...)
In spring, they sing for blessed joy,
For the woods would ring with man's cry, 'ahoy!'
The good world awakes after cold snow.
Pure fruit partake and happily go.
The heat--estival--is in the air.
Summer's fat wheat wave their gold heads fair.
Perfect for a swim; perfect for play
Enjoy with friends the hard work of day.
Sparkling, the red leaves of fall, fall down.
A lone song weaves in a quiet sound.
Strong harvest makes well, and thick bread is baked.
Winter will come, so reap cannot wait.
Lastly is winter. Cold, crisp, and chill.
Family will enter, and luscious food fill.
Warm drinks are drank, as the kids play,
In the snowy banks with sun's brilliant rays.
And that's it! Pretty much anyway...I have a few others, but they're not worth seeing...ale, bail, dale, fail, gale, hail, jail, kale, male, nail, pale, rail, sail, tale, vale, whale, yale. Poetry is such fun...I can see why the hermits chose it as a pass-time. ^~^
Another blog... finally...
Saturday, December 10, 2011